Dota-Allstars Database DHG v1.4 & DIG v1.3 (Updated 6.59c) - DotA-Blog

Dota-Allstars Database DHG v1.4 & DIG v1.3 (Updated 6.59c)

Dota-Allstars Database
Wow, i actually find this great tools a moment ago but just had the time to post it now. This Dota-Allstars database is really great in my opinion. Very recommended for new player that wanted to learn skills and items details. Even for veteran player that want to know the latest update on items or hero skills, this tools will be handy.

The Dota-Allstars Database program can be download as EXE file or SWF (need Flash Player). The Dota Hero database EXE file size is 14 Mb and on SWF is 10 Mb. The size is not small, but it's worth it. After you download it, you will feel like you have Dota Encyclopedia in your hand. Thumbs up for the creator!

Here is the download link:
Dota Hero Guide v1.4 (DHG v1.4)
Mirror 1 (
14 Mb - DHG v1.4.EXE)
Mirror 2 (
10 Mb - DHG v1.4.SWF)

Dota Item Guide v1.2 (DIG v1.3)
Mirror 1 (
3.96 Mb - DIG v1.3.EXE)
Mirror 2 (
1.62 Mb - DIG v1.3.SWF)

Enjoy this tools, here is the original source from DA forums :)

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  1. wow..Looks gonna try it!

  2. I think he mixed up the names of Quas and Exort but, either way, it's still very good and handy. I hope he adds item details and show them equipped with a hero just like in The them could also be more DotA-ish.

  3. Alief this guy is copying all the stuff from your blog
    Even he copied this post... make him stop or he destroys our community

  4. hey..i can't download the DHG v1.4.EXE file!!! it said that the file was removed can you give another link??

  5. link was moved so your post is useless

  6. yes, looks like the maker itself who changes the links. I'm currently update the links ;)
